Coding for the love of it...


Evolve some text

We start with a target string. We then generate ten random candidates each of the same length as the target, and assign each one a score based on how many correct characters it has. The highest-scoring candidate then becomes the father of the next generation: we spawn ten clones of the winner, with the correct members of each retained and the other members randomised. Then we score each of these, and go round and round again until we get to the target string.

Happy Birthday Darwin. And Python rocks.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import string
import random
import copy

# the string we will work towards
target = sys.argv[1]
target = "from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."
winningscore = len(target)

# get ascii character set
chars = []
for i in range(32, 127):

# how many candidates will we spawn in each generation
selectees = 10

# a list to hold our candidates
candidates = []

# class representing a character in our candidate
class member():
def __init__(self, char = ""):
self.character = char
# fixity will be set if this character is correct
self.fixity = False

# set to a new, random character
def randomize(self):
# unless this one has been fixed
if not self.fixity:
a = chars[int(random.random() * len(chars))]
self.character = a

# string representation
def __str__(self):
return self.character

# class representing a generated candidate (it's basically a list)
class candidate(list):
# we start with a score of 0
grade = 0
size = 0

# create a new list
def __init__(self, length):
self.size = length
# and populate and score it

# fill the array with randomness to start
def populate(self):
for i in range(0, self.size):
m = member()

# represent as a string (this is an ugly hack, I think)
def __str__(self):
a = []
for i in self:
return "".join(a)

# count how many correct members we have
def score(self):
self.grade = 0
for i in range(0, len(self)):
# if its a match with the target string
if self[i].character == target[i]:
# then we fix this member in place and score 1 point
self[i].fixity = True
self.grade += 1

# randomize ourself
def shuffle(self):
for a in self:
# members with fixity set will not be randomized
# and work out our new score

# find the candidate with the best score
def getwinner():
bestgrade = 0
# assume the first one is the winner for now
winner = candidates[0]

# now for each candidate
for c in candidates:
# if we're better than the best so far
if c.grade > bestgrade:
# hold on to the leader
winner = c
# and raise the bar
bestgrade = c.grade
# this method will pick the first candidate from the set of possible winners

# if all of our members are correct
if bestgrade == winningscore:
# we've solved it!
global unsolved
unsolved = 0
# send back the winner
return winner

# real live code starts here

# generate an initial set of random candidates
for i in range(0, selectees):

# assume we've not solved it yet
unsolved = True

# how may turns do we take?
iterations = 0

# while we have not the answer
while (unsolved):
iterations += 1

# find our winner
winner = getwinner()
# and show it
print winner

# set all of our candidates to the winner
for i in range(0, len(candidates)):
candidates[i] = copy.copy(winner)
# then shuffle each one

# and when we're finished, print some stats
print "%d-character string, %d iterations" % (len(target), iterations)

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